Friday, January 23, 2009

Right or Wrong

How is it that we can justify some things and others we cannot? I am overwhelmed with a responsibility to tell everyone about Christ, to live for Him with all that is within me, and to be child of Him the best that I can. But where does it stop for a Christian, how much can we actually do? How far must we be willing to stand our ground. It seems as if the world today has a major problem with right and wrong.

Take this for example. Today, less than one week in office, I get an email saying that President Obama has lifted a ban on federal funding for international groups that promote or perform abortions, reversing a policy of his predecessor, George W. Bush.Obama's actions mean that hundreds of millions of your tax dollars will go to help groups like Planned Parenthood perform abortions around the world. His actions came one day after the 36th anniversary of the landmark Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling that legalized abortion in all 50 states.

So where does this leave us as Christians? What can we do about this or is this just another sign of the times. I can only pray that we will stand up for what is right in the eyes of the Lord until the day He returns. Having another child on the way, I cannot imagine the possibility of aborting such a precious gift from God. I have heard fro years arguments of rape or unwilling mother, but I still stand firm to the belief that life is life at conception. Without God, creation would not be possible. I know many would argue different, but the fact and the truth is only God gives life. Without His hand in all of it, from the good to the bad, life would not begin. No one can stand up for the children but us. We must continue to share our thoughts on all things and not allow the worlds thought to warp what we know as truth.

Today, as I am writing this, across America in clinics everywhere there are over 115,00 of babies that will not get a chance to breathe. My only prayer is that the people of God would not back down from what we believe and stand up for Christ in the last days. If you are one that does not think this is the last days, then let me be the first to tell you, Christ is coming soon. Don't wait for a government bailout to save you. There is only one Savior, and His name is Jesus. We all must know Him for ourselves, and soon those that know Him will meet Him face to face.

God, it is my prayer today that I will never back down from the truths you have given us. When we don't know what to say or how to respond, give us the wisdom beyond our time. Help me to be the husband, father, son, and friend that you have called me to be. I thank you for the gifts of life that you have given Christina and I. You have chosen to bless us with two children and I am excited to meet our second. The awesome thing about that is you already know what he looks like. You know how many little hairs are on his head. Before doctors or machine could even see it you know the exact numbers. Thank you for putting so much time into each of our lives. May we be a true reflection of You in our daily lives. May the gospel be shared to all! Help us to live every day like it is our last. Forgive me, of any wicked way. I love you lord. Amen.

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