This has been a month of new beginnings, as many have made personal goals to follow through the year. Many have to do with self-image, however that image may be. The problem is, often times the image we see is through pieces of broken glass. Because of this our image and perception of self may be distorted and imperfect. The good news is that we serve a God who never sees us through this same glass. He always see us with the loving eyes of a parent. The perfect parent. He never makes mistakes, He has made each one of perfect in His eyes. The world may never see the person God has created, but to Him, each one of His children have His stamp of approval on them. Which brings me to the question, why then must we try to line up with the standards that are merely the worlds, and why can't we begin to see life through the perfect lens that God has created. With this lens life seems worth living. With this view there is nothing to hard for God.
In Psalms 11 David spends time looking at just this. He sees God for who He is and how perfect His creation is. He says that God knows everything, His eyes never leave us. He hasn't changed nor has His creation. David accurately states that God always sets things right, and makes everything perfect. The key part of this passage is for us to understand that without the hand of Christ we will never stand straight or walk on the path He has for us. It is only when we finally listen to the voice of God, that we can look into the eyes of God. That we can see things not from the broken glass, but the perfect lens of God.
As I think about this and as our church begins a 40 day prayer journey, I am reminded of my son Peyton. There are times that it seems impossible for us to help him. There are times that I question if how we react and respond is what God wants for us. But then I realize that God has made Him in His perfect image and it this son, the child of the King that we must never take for granted. God has allowed us to take care of Him, and we must with all that is within us, trust that God has made us the perfect fit for Him. We must see who God created us for first, before we can ever be the parents that He needs.
As our prayer journey begins, I would fail God if I didn't start out by praising and saying thank you to the God that has breathed life into me. Lord often times I take for granted the many blessings that you have given to me and my family. You have never changed. Your have known all from the beginning. You have created me to worship you. It is amazing to know that I have a Father that loves me through it all, my shortcomings, my many imperfections, and more, your love never fails. As one songwriter says Your love is extravagant, we don't deserve it. Lord I pray that you capture my heart again. I pray that your turn heads back towards you. Create in me a clean heart in all that I do. Give me a passion for others, and always let me see them through your eyes. Lord be with Christina and Brayden at work, Peyton at school, and all of my family and friends. Let each one of them know how much you love them. Give me the opportunity to share the truth with someone this week. Lord I love you. Amen.
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