Today is a day that will go down in the history books. We have seen an election come and go and the constant theme through the campaign was Change you can believe in. No matter what your thoughts on the matter what your thoughts are on this, the truth is we have a first in the History of America, an African American President. I know that many different sets of emotions have ran through many minds, but no matter how you voted, we must get behind the leadership of our country. Why, because this is what God has asked each of us to do. We must pray for guidance and we must pray that God get put back into the center of our nation. God has always been the center and will always be there, but the world tries its best to take Him out. We must however realize that true change doesn't come from the promises of man, but from an Unchanging God.
At this change today, we saw many different views discussed, and even prayers. As a whole our country is grasping for truth and I can say that truth can only be found in Christ. I find it very interesting that we saw that TD Jakes was asked to be apart of the morning chapel service, and that Rick Warren was asked to pray. I can only hope the the nation will see in the coming days the power of Christ. He has to become the center again. I know many think that this cannot happen, but if you are one of those people, then you are limiting God's power. God will restore His nation, but no one ever said it would be easy. Thank the Lord we serve a big God. So today I pray for our nation as a whole, our newly elected President, and the future of our country.
As I was riding in the car this morning with Peyton, I could only laugh as he asked for me to play a scene in a movie over, and over, and over again. He knows the movie by heart. But then I asked myself, how many of us get used to the same routine, the same lifestyles, the same food, and we go back again, and again because it is what we have become comfortable with. Just like Peyton, knows what scenes he like to see again, we do the same things with our relationship with God. We often go to what is comfortable. What is easy. What requires little effort or thought. We just do enough to get by. This is where change must begin.
How many of our prayer routines, and Bible reading plans are unchanged? Simply a checklist for the day. How much thought do we actually put into this time? In order for us to see change in our lives, as we have seen change in our country, we must be willing to get outside of the comfortable and move into a place where things are fresh a new. One person once said, "if we do things the same we have always done, then we will always get what we always have." I don't want to always get the same results. As a matter of fact I know God has more for each of us and I want to get as much as I can before He comes back. I want the power that comes from God when we simply ask. I want to see signs and wonders instead of just reading about them.
In order for us to be able to see change in our lives, we must be willing to put the effort in. I can honestly say one thing about our President, he undoubtedly gave a lot of time, effort, and money in his campaign, and was rewarded for this. I also know that if we give the same to God, we will also be rewarded generously, more than we an ever imagine.
So today, as change has happened, why can't we make a commitment to make a change for our spiritual health as well. I pray today Lord for the well being of our country. I pray for the leadership that is now in place and for guidance that can only come from above. I pray that in my own personal life, that I am willing to get outside of the norm, and see things as You see them. Do not allow me to put Limits or boundaries in prayers, but teach me the ways to receive all that you have for me and my family. Help me hear Your voice, and never to get into the routine of prayer or study that make me miss the personal things you have just for me. Search me and keep me in your will. I love you Lord.