Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The Source of the Problem

Today as I was reading in Mark chapter 7, I found a very interesting passage of scripture that made me begin to look at my own life. For many years I have heard of talk about the Pharisees of the Bible, and how they were religious, but yet did not follow the full commands of God. Often times they can be seen directly questioning Christ himself. But it wasn't until this morning that I realized have we not at times been Pharisees of sorts? I mean the biggest thing that is known of the Pharisees was there taking their scriptures and applying it to their lives as they saw fit. This passage in Mark really stirred me up though when Jesus in fact responded this to the Pharisees:

Isaiah was right about frauds like you, hit the bulls eye in fact:

These people make a big show of saying the right thing,
but their heart isn't in it.
They act like they are worshipping me,
but they don't mean it.
They just use me as cover
for teaching whatever suits their fancy,
Ditching God's commands,
and taking up the latest fads."

That looks to me like a picture of churches today. How many times have we been guilty of coming to church and did just that, put on a show. Deep down inside knowing it was just that. There was no act of obedience to God, no desire to truly enter into His presence, no heart of worship, just a mere act that was put on to satisfy the people around us. Wow, I can say that I have been guilty as charged. I have had those days where nothing was true and pure and made worship something that God never intended it to be. I have been in churches and heard messages that simply touch the simple things of life that only are pleasing to the ear and never truly deal with the commands of God. I have seen it time and time again how the so called Christians of the world are so far from the ways of God, that others choose never to come to our churches because they see how so called Christians act.

So how then can we say that the Pharisees were wrong and just act like we are OK. I think this scripture should make us look at our own life and make sure that are worship always revolves around Him. If we cannot obey the ways of God, it will be impossible for us to ever truly hear His voice, or for us to even be in His will. I am reminded of the children of Israel when God made a covenant with them, but they refused to follow His commands. It was because of the their disobedience to the covenant that God made with them that they had to go through battles and trials without God's cover. If they would have just listened the first time, God would have been with them always. The same thing is true for us. God has made promises to us and to our families, and we must be willing to follow his commands, and worship Him for who He is, not just act like we are doing so. God desires the praises of His children, and he deserves every second of it. As the children of God, we must be careful not to fall into routines, or try to do things our way, and we must be careful to listen for the voice of God.

God it is my prayer that I never get in a hurry or worship or prayer with You. I pray that I will always remember that worship is not about me at all, it is all about you. May everything that comes out of my mouth glorify you and let bit of pride fall before you. May I do everything in your Name, and never let me fall into the trap of the world in my teachings, my lifestyle, or my worship. Search me, clean me, use me. I thank you for loving us in such a way that you have never given up on us, even when we have tried our own thing. May you be with us this week, as the new life that you have given to us comes into this world. May I be the husband, father, son, brother, and friend you have called me to be. Thank you for the blessings you have shown to me and my family, and may we always remember who the Blesser is and where the blessings come from.

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