Someone once said, life is short stay awake for it. I think sometimes we find ourselves sleeping in the midst of what God is trying to do. We forget that life is going by fast! Soon we will pass away and leave behind memories for those who knew us. This thought makes us stop and consider how we are living. Are we living to create a legacy of goodness or are we simply creating a legacy of possessions? Are we living each day for God and for other people or are we deep down simply living for ourselves?
Im reminded of the sermon that Paul preached and the boy Eutychus fell out of the window, dead asleep. Have we truly missed what God is trying to say to us or are we willingly listening for His voice.
Moses wrote in Psalm 90 that life is indeed short and filled with many pains and troubles. He encourages people to respect God and to find satisfaction in him. Verse 12 says, “So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Moses ends the Psalm with a cry for God to show people his favor and to uphold and establish the work that they do on earth. In a sense, Moses is giving a similar coffee cup slogan. He is saying, “Life is short, stay awake for it… by looking to God for strength for work and for satisfaction for joy in life.”
Moses is crying out to God he would help his people live with purpose in this short life. We must be a willing vessel to share our thoughts and our struggles with others. All of us have had experiences that we can use to encourage and strengthen others so that they can make a difference for God. It is not that difficult, because it is just one life passing on truths to another. It does, however take desire, faithfulness, and some guidance. Let’s pass on our lives for the glory of God that he might show us his power, favor, and love!
We must always be willing to do what God has called us to do, we must be willing to share with others what God has done, and we must be willing to listen when God calls our name.
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